A package is a collection of classes, relationships, use-case realizations, diagrams, and other packages; it is used to structure the design model by dividing it into smaller parts.

Structural packages are used to logically represent the pieces of the system (including subsystems) that are to be implemented.

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Introduction To top of page

Structural packages are used to logically represent the physical pieces of the system.   This includes the logical modeling of subsystems.

It is the structural packages that provide the logical definitions of the run-time components.  The structural packages define all of the elements of the model that need to be implemented.  Organizational Packages (See Standards: Organizational Packages) are used to group, and organize, the structural packages and to contain any additional model elements used to clarify the purpose and meaning of the model.

Stereotypes To top of page

The following table provides a summary description of the package stereotypes that will be adopted.  Each of these has its own standards which are described on the appropriate linked pages. 

Stereotype Source Use Comment
<<facade>> UML  Optional A model element that defines a subsystem interface, when formally modeling subsystems.  One, or more, packages will provide the implementation of the subsystem .

Where there is more than one implementation of an interface, the interface must be held in a separate facade package (see Standards: Formal Subsystems).  Where there is only one implementation then it can be combined with the <<subsystem>> package (see Standards: Informal Subsystems).

<<implementation>> Local Optional A package contain the implementation of a subsystem interface, when modeling subsystems formally.  The interface of the subsystem will be defined by a <<facade>> package.
 <<subsystem>> RUP Mandatory A model element which has the semantics of a package (it can contain other model elements) and a class (it has behavior). 

Subsystems can be modeled either formally (see Standards: Formal Subsystems) or informally (see Standards: Informal Subsystems)

 <<utility>> Local Mandatory A package that contains utility classes.  Normally all of the classes in the package are considered public (in contrast to a subsystem where only the interface is public).  An example is the package containing value types.
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