A package that only contains diagrams.

An example of the use of views is in presenting the architecture. These packages will contain the diagrams for inclusion in the Software Architecture Document.

Related Information:


Naming Standard To top of page

The general package naming standards apply to <<view>> packages (See Standards: Package Overview).

Diagramming Standards To top of page

Each diagram should serve some narrative purpose and contribute to the understanding and accessibility of the underlying model.

There are no mandatory diagrams for <<view>> packages.

Constraints To top of page

<<view>> packages should only contain diagrams or other <<view>> packages.  They have no 'real' dependencies on any other packages as they can only contain diagrams.

A <<view>> package can contain classes if they are "example" classes.  For example, the package may be illustrating a specific part of the design and contain example derived classes.

Examples To top of page

In the model used to generate the example diagrams for use in these standards, the Formal Modeling of Subsystems (See Standards: Formal Subsystems) was documented in the model itself using a <<view>> package.

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Wylie College Process Web Example
Version 2001.02