We have seen that reaction rates are determined experimentally for different
chemical reactions. But what influences whether a reaction proceeds quickly or
slowly? To answer that question, we need to think about the individual molecules
involved in the reaction. The rate of a chemical reaction is determined by how
the molecules involved in the reaction move. In other words, the kinetics of the
reaction are influenced by how quickly the molecules are moving, and how often
and in what orientation the molecules bump into one another.
Collision theory
The study of kinetics involves knowing something about collision theory, which
involves thinking about how molecules crash into one another. Collision theory
tells us that molecules have to click together just right, with enough speed to
latch together. If they are moving too slowly, there is not enough energy available
to break existing bonds, and if they are not facing each other the right way,
the new bonds wont be able to form. Its like being at a supermarket
parking lot. The faster people looking for a parking spot are driving, the more
likely they will crash into each other.
We already know from our look at rate equations that chemical reactions are
affected by the concentration of the reactants. Collision theory is helpful in
understanding why this is so. Since the molecules have to physically contact one
another for a chemical reaction to occur, it makes sense that the more molecules
are present, the more likely they are to bump into one another. Back to our supermarket
parking lot analogy: You are much more likely to bump into another car if there
are lots of cars circling the lot looking for a spot than if the parking lot is
nearly empty.
Temperature effects
Graph showing populations of molecules with a given energy. |
Understanding collision theory also makes it easier to understand why temperature
affects the kinetics of chemical reactions. In a population of molecules, some
have more energy than others. Just like cars on a busy freeway, some molecules
are moving very fast, some are very slow, and most are going around the same average
speed. This idea is represented in a graph that shows the number of molecules
at each energy level.
Increasing the temperature increases the energy of molecules. |
Moving slowly is a good thing in that crowded supermarket parking lot, since
a collision at low speed wont even dent the license plate. Similarly, two
slowly moving molecules will just bounce off each other without reacting. But
with a bit more speed there is more energy that can result in things breaking
when they crash. At higher temperatures, molecules move faster. Thus, it makes
sense that more of the molecules will have enough energy to break some bonds when
they collide. An increase in the temperature thus increases the average energy
of the molecules, shifting the energy curve to the right.
This shift in the energy distribution curve is important because it also helps
explain why reactions occur faster when the temperature rises. Remember that the
activation energy is the energy wall that has to be scaled by the reactant molecules
in order to form the products. Each chemical reaction has a certain activation
energy, and only molecules with at least this much energy can react. At a lower
temperature, a smaller proportion of the molecules will have enough energy to
scale the wall (portion of the diagram below shaded in red). The molecules in
the blue shaded area of the curve dont have enough energy to react.
Raising the temperature shifts the curve to the right, so that a larger proportion
of the molecules now have enough energy to react.
Lowering the activation energy increases the proportion of
molecules with enough energy to react. |
Now that weve seen how the speed of the molecules affects reaction rates,
lets examine how the orientation of the molecules influences a chemical
reaction. Lets look at the molecules involved in the following reaction:
SO2 |
+ |
O2 |
2 SO3 |
If the molecules are not facing each other properly, they will not react. However,
if they are facing each other in the correct orientation, and are moving with
enough speed, the reaction will occur.