Collegiate Sports Paging System

Status Assessment

Version 1.0

 Revision History





November 22, 1999 1.0 Weekly assessment Context Integration

Table of Contents

Introduction Top of page


This status assessment reviews the current status of the project with respect to resources, budget, schedule, risk, technical issues, and management issues. Any actions arising from this assessment will be summarized in this document.


This assessment reviews all aspects of the Collegiate Sports Paging System.

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

See Glossary.


  1. CSPS Vision 1.0
  2. CSPS Requirements Management Plan 1.0
  3. CSPS Iteration Plan 1.0
  4. CSPS Creative Design Brief 1.0
  5. CSPS Supplementary Specification 1.0
  6. CSPS Iteration Plan 3.0
  7. CSPS Risk List 3.0

Resources Top of page


Elaboration staff will be leaving the project as they are no longer needed. Departing staff include Brian Egler, Business Analyst, and Mark Grimes, Creative Designer. Staff whose contribution will increase are Justin Woddis, Implementer, various implementation subcontractors reporting to Justin, and Chris Curvey, Tester.

Financial Data

The project is delivered on a fixed-price basis. As such, no financial data need be reported.

Top 10 Risks Top of page

The project risks and their mitigation strategies can be found in the Risk List.

Technical Progress Top of page

During this iteration, the following artifacts were produced:

The following artifacts were updated:

Major Milestone Results Top of page

The following table lists iteration milestones and their status at the end of this iteration.

Milestone Planned Actual Comments
Use case design complete 11/3/1999 11/4/1999 One-day slip for documentation
Software Architecture document complete 11/22/1999 11/21/1999 No major issues raised with use cases during architectural design
Test Plans Complete 11/9/1999 11/10/1999 Mapped to use cases

Total Project/Product Scope Top of page

No scope changes occurred during this period.

Action Items and Follow-Through Top of page

The following action items were carried forward from last week or initiated this week:

Item Assigned Due Status
Validate color scheme for UI with advertiser rep. Mark Grimes 11/19/1999 Closed – minor change made to UI design guidelines
Investigate multi-tiered gateway approach Ken Perch 11/25/1999 Open

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